Overall, the Galaxy Note 5 captured bolder colors, but in many cases the images were too bright. The iPhone 6 Plus captured better images in low light conditions, and the lighting and color accuracy were more true to the actual scene. If you want photos with colors that are more vibrant, you should check out the Note 5, but the iPhone 6 Plus is better when it comes to lighting and color accuracy.
Today we use our smartphones more than ever for photography, so it's important to pick a phone with a great camera.

Both the iPhone 6 Plus and the Galaxy Note 5 come with top-of-the-line cameras, though they use different sensors. The camera in the iPhone 6 Plus has an 8-megapixel sensor, for instance, while the Galaxy Note 5 has a 16-megapixel sensor.
There has been some debate as to whether more megapixels actually matters when it comes to image quality, as it's only one factor in capturing a compelling photo.
Take a look at the photos below to see how the images taken with the iPhone 6 Plus differ from those shot by the Note 5.
For the purposes of this test, we left each camera on its auto setting. The photos have been resized but not edited otherwise, and each picture was taken in the same place, at the same time, under the same circumstances.